Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Effective C++11/14

Work sent me on Scott Meyers' latest course at Developer Focus. He gave us these guidelines:
  1. Prefer auto to explicit type declarations - remember that auto + {expr} => std::initializer_list
  2. Prefer nullptr to 0 and Null
  3. Prefer scoped enums to unscoped enums
  4. Distinguish () and {} when creating objects - the latter disallows narrowing, that might be good
  5. Declare functions noexcept whenever possible - esp. swap move
  6. Make const member functions threadsafe - make them bitwise const or internally synchronised
  7. Distinguish "universal references" from r-value references - "universal references" is his phrase, just note if you see type&&& type might not be an r-value
  8. Avoid overloading on && - typically r-value ref versus l-value ref is ok, but just r-value ref might be trouble cos it's greedy
  9. Pass and return r-value refs via std::move, universal refs by std::forward - and allow RVO to happens as before in C++98/03
  10. Understand reference collapsing See SO
  11. Assume that move operations are not present, not cheap and not used
  12. Make std::thread unjoinable on all paths - even if there's an exception
  13. Use std::launch::async with std::async if asynchronicity is essential - but is it really essential?
  14. Be aware of varying thread handle destructive behaviour
  15. Create tasks not threads
  16. Consider void functions for one-shot event communication
  17. Pass parameterless functions to std::asyncatd::thread}} and {{{std::call_once - the arguments are unconditionally copied, as with std::bind. Use a lambda instead
  18. Use native handles to transcend the C++11/14 API - if you need to configure your thread, but don't use a thread, so you won't need too
  19. Prefer lambdas to std::bind - inlining is possible
  20. Beware default captures in member functions - [=] captures the this pointer, and so member variables via this->variable, which could dangle and are "by ref" i.e. will match [&]. C++14 will add stuff to help
  21. Use std::make_shared and std::make_unique whenever possible
  22. Keep abreast of standardisation